Employee Self Service (ESS)

Employee Self Service (ESS) is a secure, web-based application provided to Folsom Cordova Unified School District through the Sacramento County Office of Education. With ESS, employees can review their specific personal and work-related information.  

The goal is to provide you with access to personal and work-related information on file and to ensure that the system has current and accurate information available

Employee Self Service includes:

·         Personal Information

·         Paycheck in a downloadable PDF copy of your pay stub

·         W2 in a download PDF

·         Leave Balances and History

·         Credential Information


Click on the “my info” tab to access specific information.


If you need to make changes to your personal information or tax withholdings, please go to the District’s Talent Ed Records system and complete the appropriate form. For questions about your Paychecks, please contact your Payroll Accountant. For questions about your Credentials, please contact Human Resources.


First-Time User:

1.       Click “Register”, Choose “New Staff User”

2.       Select District (Employer): Folsom Cordova (96)

3.       Enter the last four digits of Social Security Number

4.       Enter Employee ID Number (found at the top of payroll warrant/stub)

5.       Select Birth Date from the drop-down menus

6.       Choose a Login Name (we recommend the following format: firstname.lastname)

7.       Enter & Confirm a Password (must be at least eight (8) characters and contain at least one uppercase letter and one number)

8.       Click the “Register” button when done


Registered User:

1.       Click “Login”, Choose “Staff” (Business Services & HR Use “QCC”)

2.       Enter User Name & Password

3.       Click on the “My Info” tab to access specific information

Please contact Alex Szabo at (916) 228-2276, Muhammad Haider at (916) 228-2272, Bill Mullen at (916) 228-2470, or infosystems@scoe.net for any technical login issues.


Frequently Asked Questions:

  Do I login as type “Staff” or “QCC”?

QCC is the District’s financial system. Only employees that currently use QCC should login as type “QCC.” All other users login as type “Staff.”


I’m a substitute employee, can I use ESS?

Only employees with an @fcusd.org e-mail address are able to use ESS.


My leave information does not look correct, how do I fix it?

Absences are entered monthly by Payroll. Depending on when you review your leave balance, it is possible some absences haven’t been recorded yet (up to 30 days). If you feel your leave balances are incorrect, please contact Payroll.